Take Charge: Enjoy a Self-Care Day!

Taking a break from your hearing aids and advocacy work can be essential for maintaining your well-being and mental health. When my granddaughter asked why I chose not to wear my hearing aids that day, it was an opportunity for me to explain the importance of self-care and the need to occasionally step back from responsibilities. I told her that, just like anyone else, you sometimes need a day to relax and recharge, free from the constant need to be alert and responsive.

Additionally, it’s important for her to understand that wearing hearing aids and advocating for yourself can be emotionally and physically taxing. Constantly navigating a world designed for those without hearing impairments requires a great deal of energy and resilience. By taking a day off, you're allowing yourself to rest and recuperate, ensuring that you can continue to advocate effectively and live your life to the fullest when you feel ready.

This moment also serves as a valuable lesson for my granddaughter about the importance of listening to one's body and mind. It teaches her that it’s perfectly okay to take a step back when needed, and that self-compassion is a crucial part of being strong and effective in any role, whether it’s advocating for oneself or simply being an active participant in daily life.


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