Empower & Hear

A Community of hard of hearing Vibrant Women

A community to connect, support, and enjoy life together. Get connected to resources for African-American women who are hard of hearing.

Do you want group support and additional resources? Join our community, Empower and Hear, and get connected with others, like yourself that are working and living vibrant lives or working towards living vibrant lives. You can connect to other organizations for individuals with hearing loss, connect with events that are catered to those with hearing loss, but still enjoyable that will introduce you to new strategies and new resources to get you to the life you want to live. 

  • Connect Through Support

    Empower and Hear is looking for young and mature ladies and gentlemen to volunteer. We love fresh ideas and love to brainstorm to make Empower and Hear more effective. If you feel you can help Women of Color that suffer from hearing loss, we would love you on our team.

  • Donate To Support Hearing Loss

    Empower and Hear non-profit graciously accepts donations. The funds are used to help create online programs that are conducive to helping our women with self-confidence and low self-esteem. Your donations can also help a woman with the purchase of hearing aids and accessories. We accept any donations. And we thank you in advance!!

  • Listen to the latest Conversation

    Looking for insights and more inspiration? Go over to Empower & Hear and visit the blog. Read, listen, or watch videos of the latest interviews and discussions on all the things related to being a woman with hearing loss and navigating life.

Get started with Coaching, today.

Together we will build strategies for your life that will teach you and empower you to advocate for yourself at home, at the office, and out in the world. You don’t have to figure it all out.