New Life Chapter

New Life Chapter

In the course of the past year and a half, my life has seen numerous significant changes. I took the time to celebrate another year of life with a birthday, made a move into a larger, more accommodating residence, and marked a milestone in my personal life by renewing my wedding vows after a quarter of a century of marriage. Additionally, I received an impressive professional recognition, as I was nominated for the role of vice-president in a large, nationally recognized organization.

However, in spite of all these exciting developments and progressions, I find myself yearning for something more, seeking further growth and accomplishments. The secret to this, I believe, lies in perseverance. It's important to keep striving and working hard until you manage to achieve your ambitions. There may be times when you find yourself questioning, "Is this all there is?" But I am here to reassure you, there is always more on the horizon. All you need to do is remain patient, persistent, and continue to put in the effort.

While working on enhancing my brand and increasing my visibility in the professional sphere, I've encountered a few challenges. These include facing periods of writer's block, where the creativity needed for my work seemed to ebb away. I've also realized a critical need for more support and representation for women with hearing loss, a group that includes me and many others who are often overlooked, even though we're right here in plain sight.

As I embark on this new chapter of my life, it's all about stepping forward and making my mark. It's about seizing the chance to voice my thoughts and ideas, and witnessing the impact they can create. Now is not the time to slow down or hold back! I am on the brink of achieving my goals. If you're leveraging your unique strengths and talents to create a solid foundation for your legacy, my advice is to fully embrace and enjoy every moment of the journey. This way, when you eventually reach your destination and achieve your intended goals, you can truly savor and appreciate the hard work and effort that went into your accomplishments


What a Summer!


Take Charge: Enjoy a Self-Care Day!