Promote Livelihood

Valecia’s left ear with her receiver in the ear, (RIC) hearing aid.

I have come to terms with my hearing loss and I’m committed to advocating for inclusivity. I have chosen to stop comparing myself to others and instead embrace my unique identity. I remain steadfast in my determination to seek out positivity in all circumstances and move ahead.

I have moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears and use hearing aids. My hearing has been the same for a few years. I sometimes hear without my aids. I use closed captions to watch shows and may try other listening devices. I'm also practicing reading lips and understanding gestures better.

My Hearing Loss Journey: A Lifelong Learning Experience

Navigating my hearing loss involves continuous learning, advocating for myself, sharing my experiences. There is a vast world surrounding hearing loss, from understanding one's rights to perceptions of deafness as a disability. The decision to teach a child oral communication or sign language also poses an important consideration.

Exploring Hearing Loss in Black Women

In this blog, we focus on the different levels of hearing loss experienced by women, especially Black women. Our goal is to provide valuable insights and practical strategies for coping with this challenging condition within our community. Join us as we delve into issues of representation and raise awareness about the impact of hearing loss on individuals' lives.

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But Wait There’s More!


“I First Heard the Words, Hearing Loss in the Second Grade…”