Book Reviews

My highly anticipated book was released on September 23rd, 2023, bringing excitement and anticipation to many readers. The book transported readers to my world with my vulnerability and unforgettable moments. Its release marked a significant milestone for me as the author and eager readers.

Let’s see what people are saying!

Valecia is an excellent storyteller, she presented the journey of her hearing loss in a way that makes you want to keep reading it. In her book she shares with us her personal story of survival from the beginning where all the seeds were planted to living the vibrant life she has now. It was not an easy journey for her. And now she is the founder of Empower and Hear; providing amazing support to others like herself. Valecia is one who cares, one who makes you feel you are not alone, and she is one who helps you in whatever you are facing with your hearing loss journey. Valecia is an inspiration to us all!

-Colleen M. Vanrooy

Yes, it was amazing! I enjoyed your book. I knew about your hearing loss because you told me but I didn't know about your journey to acceptance and that's what your book uncovered. I appreciate your candor with how hiding your loss affected your actions and personality. I truly believe it will be helpful for those who either experience hearing loss as well as their loved ones. I also applaud you for reaching out to share your experiences and to help others.

Fiona -Former co-worker

Valecia Adams has written a poignant and playful account of her own hearing loss journey that is uniquely personal and yet often, very familiar. She inspires and educates the reader through her transparency, emotional vulnerability and ongoing commitment to excellence in all her endeavors. A life well-lived. Kudos!

Jana -Colleague/Lawyer


It’s a New Year!


I Can’t Believe It!