4 Ways to Become Inspired with Hearing loss.

Valecia Adams Coaching is dedicated to creating an inclusive and supportive environment that celebrates individuality. Our mission is to equip every woman with the tools to embrace her unique journey. We invite you to share your inspirational story of embracing hearing loss - whether through education, or drawing inspiration from other activists. Join our community and collaborate on initiatives to raise awareness of hearing loss in our society. Let's take the time to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of Black women with hearing loss, no matter how big or small. Recognizing these accomplishments can boost confidence and inspire others to pursue their own goals. Representation is crucial, and encountering a Black woman with hearing loss has been impactful in my own journey of acceptance. Join us in promoting this important representation.

  1. Share your inspiring story- What inspired you to embrace and accept hearing loss? Was it through education, advocacy, or the influence of other activists that motivated you?

  2. Join VAdams community- Let's collaborate to increase awareness about hearing loss within our community.

  3. Celebrate- Acknowledging the achievements of Black women with hearing impairment, whether big accomplishments or small wins, can boost confidence and inspire others to chase their dreams.

  4. Promote Representation- Representation holds significant value! It played a crucial role in my journey towards accepting myself and my hearing loss.




Strategies to Feeling Valued with Hearing Loss.